Kamis, 08 Desember 2016

My Last Meal On Earth

     Each person must have its own`s favorite food to choose among dishes or menus either made their own,and even choose to buy.is actually reasonable for everyone many different tastes certainly not just one favorite food in the world ever survaced indonesian there ar various kinds of dishes both traditional dishes even modern.already own habits in selecting favorite foods.i personally love with my mothers cooking and also not picky important food already prepared food every day by the mother in house.already familiar with different food menu,taste and other.own homes if cooked by my mothers hobby boiledsfood such as folioge leaves,fruits and do not like the food that much fat.my favorite food is in the village if the village mustard and fruit dishes,like because it does not need to buy food out because my parents there own garden so our family rarealy buy food out just to buy meat such as chiken,fish and meat types.friends simplity my favorite food,,,,,!hahaha

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